Acer pal. ‘Twombly’s Red Sentinel’

Acer pal. ‘Twombly’s Red Sentinel’

A great intro “a clone” comes from Acer p. ‘Bloodgood’ found by Ken Twombly. Fast growth with strong, upright, columnar growth habit. New leaves look purple-red and quickly turn dark red to burgundy. However, because this plant grows almost all year round, it has a bi-color effect almost all year round. It retains its color until late fall, even in warm climates, and tolerates full sun! The autumn color is spectacular red and the dark red stems of the last shoots add an extra dimension to the winter landscape.

New varieties

Ginkgo bil. ‘Denise’

Ginkgo bil. ‘Denise’

A selection with a slow upright growth, beautiful compact column and a beautiful yellow autumn color. Plant with a future, it grows well on hard surfaces, can withstand exhaust fumes and air pollution and therefore fits well along busy streets in cities. Height after 10 years: 2.5 – 3 mt. flowering in June, inconspicuous, male flowers yellow-green (does not bear fruit). Fan-shaped leaves, with a notch in the top, without main veins, green, very beautiful and long-lasting golden yellow autumn color.

New varieties

Lonicera purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’

Lonicera purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’

Een heuse winterbloeier welke heerlijk ruikt. De stuik heeft een uitbundige bloei met witte bloemen met opvallende gele meeldraden. De eerste bloei begint vaak in december en kan bij zwachte winters doorbloeien tot in maart. De volwassen hoogte en breedte kan wel 2 mt. worden.

New varieties

Hydrangea querc. ‘Snowcicle’

Hydrangea querc. ‘Snowcicle’

Deze nieuwe, dubbelbloemige eikenbladhortensia, een selectie van Richard Davis, heeft 30-30 cm grote bloemenpluimen die verouderen van crèmewit tot een prachtige combinatie van rozerood, olijfgroen en crème. De plant wordt 1,20 tot 1,80 meter hoog en pronkt elke herfst met levendige kleuren van diepe wijn en gebrand oranje. Vergeleken met ‘Snowflake’ en andere dubbelbloemige selecties heeft Snowcicle veel grotere pluimen, verbeterde kracht en stevigere takken.

New varieties

Viburnum od. ‘Coppertop’ ®

Viburnum od. ‘Coppertop’ ®

Coppertop heeft glanzend groen blad en bronskleurige nieuwe scheuten. In het voorjaar heeft deze witte, geurende bloemen. Kan zowel in de volle zon als in de halfschaduw geplant worden omdat Coppertop hitte-en droogte bestendig is. Zeer geschikt als lage heg maar is ook mooi voor landschapsinrichting of in een pot op het balkon of terras. Matig winterhard tot -8°C.

New varieties

Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Honeywood’

Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Honeywood’

Deze fruitboom, afkomstig uit Noord-Amerika, is in veel opzichten uitzonderlijk. Het is resistent tegen valse meeldauw en andere schimmelziekten en is zeer productief. De talrijke vruchten, verzameld in trossen grote paarse bessen, zijn zeer sappig en heerlijk zoet met een diameter van ongeveer 1,6 cm. Ze rijpen begin juli. Bessen zijn rijk aan antioxidanten. Deze soort is bestand tegen -25 C° en heeft een maximale hoogte van circa 2,5 meter. In mei bloeit hij prachtig wit met prachtige lichtgroene bladeren die in de herfst verkleuren van geeloranje naar rood. Het is een uitstekende honingplant.

New varieties

Cornus sang. ‘Anny’s Winter Orange’

Cornus sang. ‘Anny’s Winter Orange’

Een robuuste, compact groeiende bladverliezende struik van circa 1,5 m. Uitbundige bloei met kleine witte parapluvormige bloemen die aantrekkelijk zijn voor bijen en andere bestuivers. In de winter valt hij op door zijn fel geeloranje takken die oranjerood verkleuren.

New varieties

Fargesia nitida ‘Black Pearl’

Fargesia nitida ‘Black Pearl’

Black Pearl gets its name from the stems that turn from dark purple to almost black, creating a beautiful contrast. This species grows a little wider, suitable as a solitary plant or for a loose hedge. Fargesia nitida ‘Black Pearl’ is a shade-loving species. This NON-INVASIVE bamboo plant is very suitable for planting in a pot or tub because bamboo does not expand much.

New varieties

Fargesia Jiuzhaigo 1

Fargesia Jiuzhaigo 1

Zoals alle Fargesia wordt hij vaak verward met bamboe. In tegenstelling tot de laatste stoot hij geen uitlopers uit en is hij niet invasief. Jiuzhaigo is een van de meest gebruikte soorten vanwege de roodbruine halmen en lichtgroene bladeren. Compacte struik, uitstekend bestand tegen kou, geschikt voor kleine tuinen, informele hagen en voor de vorming van plantenbakken op balkons en terrassen.

New varieties

AGAPANTHUS ‘Twister’ ®

AGAPANTHUS ‘Twister’ ®

A compact African lily is frost resistant. Rica flowering with extraordinary two-tone flowers range from blue to bright white. In combination with light green foliage it gives a very energetic and cheerful appearance.

New varieties



A tree with low branches with a large rounded crown. The large compound leaves are oval in shape and have a light green color. In autumn they turn a surprising yellow. In early summer, white and fragrant flowers appear in hanging panicles. The green pods that appear in late summer turn slowly purple.

New varieties

GINKGO bilolba ‘Mariken’

GINKGO bilolba ‘Mariken’

Ginkgo with a very compact growth, after 10 years about 1 mt. Very suitable for the small garden or as a planter plant. In autumn the leaves have a beautiful yellow color. it is easy to prune, free of pests and diseases, loves well-drained soil.

New varieties

GINKGO bilolba ‘Menhir’®

GINKGO bilolba ‘Menhir’®

Column shape with small gray-green semi-notched leaves that turn yellow in autumn and remain on the plant for a long time. After 10 years, the height is 1.25 meters. Suitable as a solitaire in the small garden

New varieties

MORUS rotundiloba ‘Mojo Berry’®

MORUS rotundiloba ‘Mojo Berry’®

A dwarf mulberry, fruit immediately on the trunk of a 1 year. Its compact shape makes it ideal as a patio plant. You can pick fruits all summer long!

New varieties

PHYSOCARPUS opulifolius ‘Little Joker’®

PHYSOCARPUS opulifolius ‘Little Joker’®

Very compact shrub. It impresses with its finely engraved purple-burgundy leaves. It blooms in summer with white-pink flowers. Ideal to be used as a solitaire on a balcony or terrace. It will be 50 cm. High and extremely resistant to cold (-30º).

New varieties

PRUNUS laurocerasus ‘Ani’ ®

PRUNUS laurocerasus ‘Ani’ ®

Ani is characterized by its fresh green color and deep red shoots. A little wider than the Antonius species. Very resistant to extreme cold (-30º). It bears the heat very well

New varieties

PRUNUS laurocerasus ‘Antonius’ ®

PRUNUS laurocerasus ‘Antonius’ ®

A new selection with excellent characteristics such as winter hardiness, young dark red shoots and compact growth. Its healthy leaves contrast nicely with the young shoots. A very strong plant suitable for any garden. Both as a hedge and as a solitary plant.

New varieties

QUERCUS paulustris ‘Green Pillar’

QUERCUS paulustris ‘Green Pillar’

Columnar swamp oak, with a compact and narrow crown. Even adult plants maintain this characteristic. The deeply fluted lobed leaves have a beautiful glossy dark green color, from red to red-brown in autumn. Excellent for narrow streets and squares, it tolerates air pollution.

New varieties

STAPHYLEA colchica ‘Black Jack’

STAPHYLEA colchica ‘Black Jack’

Beautiful shrub with pinnate leaves that sprout in green and quickly turn into a deep dark red color (almost black). It has numerous panicles of crimson white fragrant flowers. Height 4-6 m. Resistant to extreme frost (-20º), melting for bees, host for butterflies

New varieties

TRACHELOSPERMUM jasminoides Rose

TRACHELOSPERMUM jasminoides Rose

Evergreen variety of Tuscan jasmine. Flowering light pink, abundant and fragrant. Very contrasting on the dark green foliage.

New varieties

Sorbus 'Burka'

Sorbus 'Burka'

A cross between Aronia (Appleberry) and Sorbus (Rowanberry) with tasty fruits. The height after 10 years is about 4 meters. Striking white flowering in May, followed by 2 cm. large dark red, sweet edible fruits. Beautiful dark red autumn colour.

New varieties

Weigela florida 'Wings of Fire' ®

Weigela florida 'Wings of Fire' ®

A compact up to 1.5 mt. growing shrub. The leaf colour is throughout the year the most interesting feature. In Spring, the leaves are green and soon ther comes a bronze hue on them. During Summer this soon turns to a red glow. In the Autumn this gives a splendid wine red autumn colour. Wings of Fire is very well applicable as border plantings or in public green or as a terrace plant in an ornamental pot. Wings of Fire is hardy to -30 °C.

New varieties

Punica gr. 'Legrelleae'

Punica gr. 'Legrelleae'

This ornamental ‘pomegranate’ is a compact straight upright half evergreen shrub. With elongated light green leaves. Richly filled, deep coral pink with white striped flowers in the Summer.

New varieties

Magnolia 'Sunsation'

Magnolia 'Sunsation'

A well-growing columnar shrub or small tree. Spectacular bloom with yellow with pink-orange stripe from bottom to top. Is 3.5 to 4 meters high and is well hardy.

New varieties

Ilex crenata 'Caroline Upright'

Ilex crenata 'Caroline Upright'

This Japanese holly is very decorative, attracts bees, butterflies and is very flexible in terms of location. It does not tolerate calcareous soil, can withstand sea wind and air pollution. This species is extremely suitable for evergreen hedges and is often used to replace the troubled evergreen Buxus.

New varieties

Fothergilla interm. 'Blue Shadow'

Fothergilla interm. 'Blue Shadow'

A striking shrub of approximately 1 mt., flowering in April-May with numerous cream-white, honey-scented brus-shaped flowers. He dissects his beauty from the beautiful gray-blue leaves. Tolerates full sun and partial shade. The leaves turn in Autumn beautiful orange red.

New varieties

Cornus ang. 'Empress of China' ®

Cornus ang. 'Empress of China' ®

An evergreen decorative shrub of approximately 2.5. mt. Very rich flowering in MayJune with cream-white flowers follow bij strawberry-like fruits.

New varieties

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Silver Dollar’

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Silver Dollar’

This sturdy, well-branched panicle Hydrangea flowers from July to September with large white pyramidal flower panicles in late Summer following a pink discoloration. This plant is easy to keep compact due to annual pruning.

New varieties

Cotinus Dusky Maiden ®

Cotinus Dusky Maiden ®

A compact bushy growing shrub, approximately high of 1.5 mt. In the Spring and Summer it has an impressive purple-red colour. The leaves turn bright orange-red in the Fall. Summer flowering with beautiful pink flower panicles. The feathers have a long and airy shape. It works best in full sun.

New varieties

Carya illinoinensis (Pecannoot)

Carya illinoinensis (Pecannoot)

The Carya illioinensis belongs to the juglandaceae family. The nuts of the Pecan are ripe around October. The leaf is light green. The Pecan prefers a moist soil. Pecans are known for their many vitamins and minerals. The aumount of vitamin E in particular scores very high. Regular use of the Pecan is good for the brain and has a positive effect on combating high blood pressure.

New varieties

Acer pal. 'Phoenix'

Acer pal. 'Phoenix'

A special small-leaved Japanese maple with beautiful pink leaves in the Spring. In the Summer changing to green with a pink glow, in the Autumn to yellow orange/red. The size after 10 years is 150 cm.

New varieties

Parrotia persica 'Persian Spire'®

Parrotia persica 'Persian Spire'®

Narrow, upright colourful bush growth, perfect for use in small gardens. Producing fine leaves, with exciting purple shoots. In summer dark green with a striking purple border. In autumn its foliage will turn yellow/orange/red. Hardy to -30 degrees Celsius. It’s best placed in moist soil, in partial shade or in a sunny spot. After 7 years without pruning, it will reach a height of 2.5 mt and a width of 75 cm.

New varieties

Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Star of Toscane'

Trachelospermum jasminoides 'Star of Toscane'

The bee tree (Tetradium daniellii) is a fine tree, which is ultimately between 7 and 10 meters in height with a round crown. Bee tree blooms until the end of July to August and is one of the later flowering trees. Wide yellow flowers with white loose panicles, offer flower nectar much and is therefore a good bee plant. The bloom is followed by purple-red fruits, which can have more value than ornamentales blooming! Smooth uneven, 5 folding sheets, dark green shining above and below turn gray green, yellow in the autumn color.

New varieties

Philadelphus 'Minnesota Snowflake'

Philadelphus 'Minnesota Snowflake'

A compact, deciduous shrub that grows to only 1.5 mt. Features fragrant , double white flowers that bloom profusely in late Spring. Flowers appear in clusters (racemes) with 5-7 flowers per cluster. Oval, dark green leaves, hardy till -25 degrees Celsius.

New varieties

Nipponanthemum nipponicum

Nipponanthemum nipponicum

Commonly calles Nippon daisy, is a shrubby perennial which grows 1.5 – 3 m tall. Features 2-3 diametre flower heads with white rays and green center disks. Flowers appear in fall on long stalks. Thick, oblong, coarsely-toothed, glossy, dark green leaves (to 3.5″ long). Excellent and long-lasting fresh cut flower.

New varieties

Nandina domestica 'Sunset Boulevard

Nandina domestica 'Sunset Boulevard

A new marvelous variety particularly distinguished by having orange-brown to light-orange immature foliage and light-green mature foliage, dense, relatively narrow foliage, a compact plant shape and densely branched, is disclosed. ‘Sunset Boulevard’ is applicable in any garden, suitable for patio or on the balcony in a beautiful pot. Hardy, if in the full-range to -15 degrees Celsius.

New varieties

Michelia 'The Fairie'

Michelia 'The Fairie'

Fairy Magnolia Cream is a new hybrid of Michelias bred to produce masses of beautiful fragrant creamy-white flowers in early Spring. These plants are so free flowering that they have a flower bud at each leaf axil and have been known to provide a light flush of flowers during summer too. The plants are bushy with rich evergreen foliage, which makes them ideal in the garden as a flowering hedge or specimen plant.

New varieties

Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite'

Magnolia laevifolia 'Gail's Favourite'

‘Gail’ stands for happiness, being full of life. That’s exactly what Magnolia Gail’s Favourite is! This Magnolia looks vibrant with its dark green foliage, a bushy and upright growth habit and white, fragrant flowers. ‘Gail’s Favourite’ flowers abundantly in early summer. It has attractive golden-brown flower buds that feel as soft as suede. When the buds open, lovely white flowers with yellow hearts appear. Happy moments indeed! ‘Gail’s Favourite’ is winter hardy to -15 degrees Celsius. It thrives in fertile, well-drained soil in a sunny spot. It can reach up to 2.50 mt high and 1 mt wide. It works great in a container on your balcony, patio or terrace. Also suitable in borders and mixed containers.

New varieties

Exochorda racemosa 'Snow Mountain'

Exochorda racemosa 'Snow Mountain'

A sing of spring. ‘Snow Mountain’ is one of the first shrubs to burst into bloom with a spectacular display of snow white flowers from top te bottom. The habit is more compact and very floriferous. A favorite for beds and borders that blooms on previous seasons.

New varieties

Enkianthus camp. 'Red Bells'

Enkianthus camp. 'Red Bells'

The branches of this upright plant are usually crowned. In April-May it produces beautiful deep red flowers. Preferable to a humus-rich soil in a sunny place.The final height is approximately 200 cm. It produces a beautiful autumn colour.

New varieties

Callicarpa bodinieri 'Autumn Glory'

Callicarpa bodinieri 'Autumn Glory'

Splendid bush with beautiful straight upright branches. The deep purple berries are stronger and are closer together, these berries stay much longer on the plant as older varieties. That makes him very suitable for cutting crops.

New varieties

Berberis thunbergii 'Ruby Star'

Berberis thunbergii 'Ruby Star'

A slow-growing, extremely compact variety. In six years this plant reaches app. 30 cm and a width of 40 cm. The leaves are a wonderful carmine-red colour. In May it produces tiny yellow flowers. Recommended for low hedges, borders and rock gardens or in pots on the terrace.

New varieties

Diervilla rivularis 'Honeybee' ®

Diervilla rivularis 'Honeybee' ®

Compact and bushy shrub 80cm., with striking bright yellow leafs. Floriferous from May to September with gold-yellow colored flowers, very attractive to bees. This very hardy bush can be used in many ways as a pot plant in beds.

New varieties

Rubus idaeus 'Glen Coe'

Rubus idaeus 'Glen Coe'

A remarkable summer fruiting variety producing unusual velvety-purple raspberries with an intensely sweet flavour. Thornless stems make it easy to harvest the generous crops that are ideal for making jams, desserts or eating fresh from the plant. Raspberry ‘Glen Coe’ has a vigorous habit and will quickly form a multi-stemmed clump of bushy raspberry canes that show good resistance to verticillium wilt disease. This fantastic raspberry hybrid is highly productive and easy to grow.

New varieties

Sambucus racemosa 'Welsh Gold' ®

Sambucus racemosa 'Welsh Gold' ®

Let yourself be surprises by the Sambucus Welsh Gold. Welsh Gold has deeply cut, green-yellow leaves. In the summer the Welsh Gold blooms with ivory-coloures dlowers followed by striking bright red berries. For optimum results place the Welsh Gold in a sunny spot or in partial shade. The Welsh Gold is also attractive for bees and butterflies. Deciduous and extremely hardy. Welsh Gold can be planted in any type of soil Ideal for solo containers or border planting. A very compact growth habit. The contrast btween the deeply cut, green-yellow leaves and bright red berries is a surprising spectacle. From these berries you can make delicious wine, jelly or jam.

New varieties

Weigela 'Black and White' ®

Weigela 'Black and White' ®

This shrub has a striking color combination of dark leaves with white trumpet flowers. The small internodes keep the size of the Black & White small. Average height 40 cm, width 70 cm. The new growth shoots begin by deep green color to dark purple. In May/June the pure white trumpet flowers with the dark leaves indicates that the real Black & White effect again.

New varieties

Sambucus nigra 'Black Tower' ®

Sambucus nigra 'Black Tower' ®

Would you like to have the Eïffel Tower in your garden? With Black Tower, you can! This Black Tower elderberry has a columnar shape and should be placed in the direct sun or semi-shade to achieve optimal growth and colour. Prune in spring for compact and bushy growth. Produces an abundance of large flowers, followed by the elderberries. Will grow to 2 m x 1m in 4 years.

New varieties

Ilex meserveae 'Hachfee' ®

Ilex meserveae 'Hachfee' ®

Hachfee has a thin upright and remarkably dense growth. The dark elegant green foliage has a nice deep gloss. In the early season deep red glossy berries of almost 1 cm appear. They contrast beautifully with the dark green foliage. Ilex meserveae Hachfee is very hard

New varieties

Pinus mugo 'Benjamin'

Pinus mugo 'Benjamin'

A slow-growing pine with a very compact habit. Good to be used in a small (rock)garden.

New varieties

Hydrangea asp. 'Hot Chocolate' ®

Hydrangea asp. 'Hot Chocolate' ®

Hydrangea aspera ‘Hot Chocolate’ has large lacecaps. Around the edge attractive pink flowers and in the heart blue fertile flowers at the end of sturdy brown red twigs. The underside of the leaf is striking burgundy. The top is chocolate brown, fading to deep green later in the season. ‘Hot Chocolat’ is a hardy shrub.

New varieties

BROUSSONETIA papyrifera 'Lacinata'

BROUSSONETIA papyrifera 'Lacinata'

Very pretty small and slow-growing shrub. The leaves are a deeply serrated  grey-green. Initially the bark is mottled grey-green,and it becomes light gray to brownish.

New varieties

Betula nigra 'Shillow Splash'

Betula nigra 'Shillow Splash'

A visually stunning pyramidal to oval race; small green leaves have wide irregular white margins; peel reveals the brown layer, for a great winter interest; requires acid soil, susceptible to cholorosis in alkaline soil.

New varieties



Narrow conifer, columnar evergreen, with red-brown bark, dark green leaves, needles have a white underside.

New varieties

Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenform' Rainbow Pillar

Amelanchier canadensis 'Glenform' Rainbow Pillar

An upright form with (multi/coloured green, yellow, orange and red) autumn foliage. In april/may with flowerd followed by fairly large tasty fruits. This species is well resistant to rust and mildew.

New varieties

Viburnum 'Le Bois Marquis' ®

Viburnum 'Le Bois Marquis' ®

An elegant, glossy-leaved evergreen Viburnum selected for its rainbow of green, burgundy and orange-bronze tones in the new growth, and autumn fall. It is a compact, dense plant that is excellent for hedge or solitary. In June it blooms with white flowers attractive to bees and butterflies, followed by red fruits that ripen to black.

New varieties

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Hortblue Petite' ®

Vaccinium corymbosum 'Hortblue Petite' ®

A special blue berry. Compact shrub which is up to 50cm high. It produces no less than twice a year fruit. The first time in July/August, the second time at the end of the season.

New varieties

Sinojackia xylocarpa

Sinojackia xylocarpa

A very rare, small, Styrax-like, loosely branched, small tree or large shrub with broader green leaves, longer-stalked white flowers in early summer (May/June) followed in curious ovoid fruits.

New varieties

Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum'

Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum'

Deciduous climbing Hydrangea, with large pink screen flowers from around July to August. The leaves are green. The adult height of the climbing Hydrangea is 6 mt., haryd to 15 deg. C.

New varieties

Sarcococca humilis 'Winter Gem' ®

Sarcococca humilis 'Winter Gem' ®

Originated from crossing between species (S. humilis and hookeriana). A compact shrub with glossy dark-green leaves. Wearing a stunning floral fragrance from February to April, the dark red buds turn out quickly to pure white flowers. An excellent evergreen ground cover.

New varieties

Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia' Mariblon ®

Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia' Mariblon ®

This evergreen laurel type is formed in Switzerland. He arise from a party Laurel’s which alone survived the long strong winter. Is is a narrow, vertical type which is ideal for compact hedges. He has narrow leaves and is very hardy.

New varieties

Paxistima canbyi

Paxistima canbyi

Evergreen groundcover with glossy green serrated leaves. Blooms with small white flowers in June-July. Tolerate extremely low temperatures of up to -20 gr.c…

New varieties

Ilex meserveae 'Little Rascal' ®

Ilex meserveae 'Little Rascal' ®

This holly shrub, well suited as a low hedge plant can grow up to 1 m. The smooth, shiny, serrate blade of this holly are dark green to blue-green. Is evergreen and hardy therefore a colorful addition to your winter garden. As a solitary, ore hedge.

New varieties

Ilex crenata 'Green Gloss'

Ilex crenata 'Green Gloss'

A dwarf shrub, forming a dense, compact mound of tiny leaves, good variety for topiary.

New varieties

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ice Crystal' ®

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ice Crystal' ®

Very compact type, height after10 years at 1,5 mt. Has exceptionally deep incised leaves with silvery gray glow. Beautiful creamy white flowers from June/July. Ice Crystal has beautiful fall colors and is very hardy.

New varieties

Cornus kousa 'Cappucino'

Cornus kousa 'Cappucino'

Is a broadleaf, big shrub with cream-colored flowers. With strikingly colored leaves. They run from bright green but quickly change them in the sun to bronze burgundy or crimson-brown. The pink fruits are edible and look very similar to the fruits of lychee. They are sweet and ripe in late summer.

New varieties

Cornus amomum 'Blue Cloud'

Cornus amomum 'Blue Cloud'

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New varieties

Choisya ternata 'Apple Blossom' ®

Choisya ternata 'Apple Blossom' ®

Small shrub around 1,20 mt. In the spring you see masses of pink buds that open appear as white flowers. The soft pink and white shades give a rustic, romantic feel to your garden. Apple Blossom has a scent that attracts butterflies and bees.

New varieties



Spreading deciduous tree with pinnate leaves that bears erect panicles of small greenish-white flowers in summer. Flowers are followed by flat winged red-brown fruit.

New varieties

CLEMATIS ‘Avant Garde’

CLEMATIS ‘Avant Garde’

The 2″ flowers of this striking climber consist of a central pompom of rosy pink backed by  dark velvety red petals

New varieties

Weigela florida 'Minor Black' ®

Weigela florida 'Minor Black' ®

The Weigela florida ‘Minor Black’ is a compact deciduous shrub with dark red leaves and pink flowers in May, the final height is 80-100 cm.

New varieties

Ilex crenata 'Dark Star'

Ilex crenata 'Dark Star'

Slow growing compact evergreen shrub. With small shiny bright green leaves, very similar to the patented type Dark Green. Good alternative for forming Buxus maximum height approximately 1 mt.

New varieties

CLEMATIS 'Crystal Fountain'

CLEMATIS 'Crystal Fountain'

The approximately 15 cm wide, lilac blue flowers are very special and thanks to the many white stamens it is, dazzlingly beautiful! They are like a fountain on the petals

New varieties

BUDDLEJA dav. 'Flower Power'

BUDDLEJA dav. 'Flower Power'

‘Flower Power’ bears a closer resemblance to its davidii parent. The shrub grows to a height of 2–3 m, bearing panicles, < 25 cm long, of lilac flowers which turn butterscotch yellow with age; the foliage is grey-green.

New varieties